Soldering technician, Benchmark Electronics – tempo team – Almelo

  • Almelo

tempo team


Do you know what a circuit board is? Do you haveexperience with putting small parts together in a solderingdepartment? You can be one of those heroes who keep our electronicdevices running smoothly by producing the best circuit boards.Become a soldering technician at Benchmark and earn a top salary:€16,98 every hour!

For this position, we arelooking for someone with at least 2 years of soldering experience.Do you not have this? Then unfortunately you are not eligible forthe vacancy.

What weoffer

  • Earn € €16,98every hour!
  • Full time job for a longer periodof time!
  • Free weekends.Cheeeers!
  • Choose your own working hours duringday shifts!
  • Great colleagues and the bestguidance!
  • Right on contract at Benchmark for 1year!

Who youare

As a soldering technician,you live in The Netherlands. Besides, it is required,that:

  • You have a good command of theDutch or English language
  • You already have atleast 2 years experience as a solderingtechnician.
  • You can work fulltime in thedayshift.

What will youdo

As a soldering technician,you pay attention to all the details. You solder circuit boardsfollowing the work instructions. You also check the circuit boardsand operate the production machines. You are observant, detailedand accurate. You work in the day shifts. Once you have beentrained and can work independently, you can choose what time youstart. You plan your working hours between 7:00 and 19:00 o’clock.That’s great, isn’t it?

Where will youwork

Benchmark Electronics isthe brains behind many electronics.The products that are producedare of great social importance. They provide comprehensiveelectronics services, from design, prototyping and testing tomanufacturing, maintenance, optimisation and supply chainmanagement. As a soldering technician you will work in a friendlyand informal working atmosphere. There is a friendly culture andeveryone is equal. Our Tempo-Team professionals Celine and Fairuzwill mentor you. They are there for you every day with the bestadvice and support. Let’s go!


All you have to donow is click the yellow button. Within one click, your applicationwill be complete, easy! Apply immediately as a soldering technicianand we will contact you as soon as possible! See yousoon!

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereendie zich hierin herkent.

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